Tuesday, 25 August 2020 09:56

Media for Sale : Unethical Journalism and Fake News

 After the demonetization of currency notes in 2016, the media frantically reported that the new 2000 rupee notes shall carry a GPS chip embedded in them that can track the location of the person carrying them. It was later revealed to be a fake news.There are numerous such instances that…
Tuesday, 25 August 2020 09:47

Indian Web Series

Between the soppy soap operas on TV and the fluffy Bollywood flicks, Indian Web Series are enjoying a moment under the sun. For people looking for something beyond the cliché of 50 something middle aged actors running around the trees, the digital space has a plethora of exciting web series…
Tuesday, 25 August 2020 09:23

Dilemmas and Ethics in Photojournalism

For many of us the massive civil unrest of 2016 in Kashmir was the first of its kind that shook us out of our urban complacency, made us pause and take notice. Soul slashing pictures of hundreds of youth blinded by pellets moved us emotionally irrespective of which side of…
Tuesday, 25 August 2020 07:19

Digital journalism: A New Way of doing Journalism

A cup of hot tea with the newspaper is the quintessential start to mornings in India. Well, the romance of newspapers may soon be a nostalgic memory of the yesteryears. Next only to China, India has 500 million internet users. With low cost devices and better 3G/4G internet speed, the…
Tuesday, 25 August 2020 06:59

Books adapted for the Silver Screen

What are the odds of the current generation not having seen the movies of Harry Potter or of Game of Thrones? The actors who have starred in these movies, from Daniel Radcliffe to Sean Bean are now superstars with a huge fan following. Yet, both books were not originally made…
Wednesday, 19 August 2020 14:22

Media Laws and Freedom of Speech

Media Laws and Freedom of Speech Tweet. Post. Express - whether it be in print or digitally and no one can harm you. But this wasn't so before 2015. In 2015, in a landmark judgement the Supreme Court struck down the controversial section 66A of the Information and Technology Act,…
Wednesday, 19 August 2020 14:03

Automated Journalism: Did a Robot Write This?

  The rise of machines taking over the human world is no longer a dystopian dream. The dread that is associated with robots taking over the world is a reality from which there’s no escape. A great example is the manufacturing sector, which had long been a supplier of well-paying…

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