Tuesday, 25 August 2020 10:05

Growth of E-commerce fuels need for skilled Management Graduates

The internet, coupled with advances in mobile technologies for computing and communication, is transforming businesses globally and opening new possibilities for both customers and organizations.   E-commerce is expanding steadily in India. Customers have the ever-increasing choice of products at the lowest rates. E-commerce is probably creating the biggest revolution in the retail…
Tuesday, 25 August 2020 09:43

Management Education and Entrepreneurship: A positive relationship

Management education acts as a fertile ground to develop entrepreneurial skills, independent thinking, ability to spot the opportunities, risk taking ability etc. For students driven to be entrepreneurs, a good blend of theoretical grounding and practical exposure and interaction with entrepreneurs could be a boon. To instill confidence in their…
Tuesday, 25 August 2020 09:04

Understanding Green Finance

An uninhibited expansion of human activities and unrestricted development has wreaked havoc on the environment. The recent climate imbalance the world over and alarming levels of pollution is a warning about the bleak future that awaits us. In such a scenario, in order to mitigate the harmful effects of unsustainable…
Tuesday, 25 August 2020 06:36

Communication for budding managers

What to say when you meet new people: The 9 secrets to success On an average day, you are going to meet a great many new people. Some of them might seem of no value to your life - a waitress, a delivery man, a house cleaning staff and so…

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