
The NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL (NAAC) conducts assessment and accreditation of Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) such as colleges, universities or other recognised institutions to derive an understanding of the ‘Quality Status’ of the institution. NAAC evaluates the institutions for its conformance to the standards of quality in terms of its performance related to the educational processes and outcomes, curriculum coverage, teaching-learning processes, faculty, research, infrastructure, learning resources, organisation, governance, financial well being and student services.

Value Framework of NAAC

To promote the following core values among the HEIs of the country:

  • Contributing to National Development
  • Fostering Global Competencies among Students
  • Inculcating a Value System among Students
  • Promoting the Use of Technology
  • Quest for Excellence

Benefits of Accreditation

  • Institution to know its strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities through an informed review process
  • Identification of internal areas of planning and resource allocation
  • Collegiality on the campus
  • Funding agencies look for objective data for performance funding
  • Institutions to initiate innovative and modern methods of pedagogy
  • New sense of direction and identity for institutions
  • The society look for reliable information on quality education offered
  • Employers look for reliable information on the quality of education offered to the prospective recruits
  • Intra and inter-institutional interactions

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