In response to the UGC’s XII Plan on Guidelines for Scheme of Equal Opportunity Centre for Colleges and Guidelines for Equitable Opportunity to the Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Groups (SEDGs) in HEIs, Vishwakarma University has set up the Equal Opportunity Centre (EOC) “to oversee the effective implementation of policies and programmes for disadvantaged groups, to provide guidance and counselling with respect to academic, financial, social and other matters and to enhance the diversity within the campus.” The Cell also in accordance with India’s commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG-4 (quality education), SDG-5 (gender equality), SDG-1 (no poverty), and SDG-8 (decent work and economic growth). Equal Opportunity Cell (EOC) addresses the needs of socio-economically disadvantaged groups (SEDGs), as emphasized in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
To ensure inclusive access and increased participation of Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Groups (SEDGs).
We are excited to announce the inauguration of Equal Opportunity Cell. The inauguration ceremony marked a significant milestone in promoting diversity, inclusivity, and equal opportunities within the University. Mr. Mahesh Zagade, Rtd IAS officer, Former Principal Secretary to the Government of Maharashtra inaugurate the Equal Opportunity Cell, “Avasar”. The programme started with a poster presentation and the participants engaged in a vibrant poster presentation competition, showcasing their creativity and insights on pertinent topics of “Breaking the Glass Ceiling”. A symbolic moment occurred with the unveiling of the official Logo establishment of the “Avasar”. Moving forward, it is a new chapter in promoting diversity, inclusivity, and equal opportunities within the University.
Prof. Noshir Tarapore provided the expert session which shed light on why equal access to opportunities is the foundation of an inclusive society. Our expert today will explore how institutions can build frameworks that ensure everyone has the chance to succeed—whether it’s in education, employment, or broader social participation. By fostering such environments, we not only promote equality but also create a culture where every individual can flourish, bringing their unique strengths and perspectives to the forefront. Students across all disciples attended the session.
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Role |
1 | Dr. Nazia Wahid | Director | Chairperson |
2 | Dr Vijaya Hake | Liaison Officer of Equal Opportunity Cell | Member |
3 | Dr Reena Pandey | In charge of the Internal Complaint Committee | Member |
4 | Prof. (Dr.) Chetan Kapadnis | Director of IQAC | Member |
5 | Dr. Karthika Devan | Women Representative | Member |
6 | Ms. Shravani Pendse | Students Representative | Member |
7 | Prof. Shruti Das | Faculty Representative | Member |
8 | Prof. Noshir Tarapore | Faculty Representative | Member |
9 | Dr. M. Parameswaran | Faculty Representative | Member |
10 | Prof. Lida Sajímon | Faculty Representative | Member |
11 | Mr. Ajay Shigwan | Deputy Registrar | Member Secretary |