Tuesday, 21 May 2024 06:04

World Water Day -24

Vishwakarma University 

Organized by: Water Quality Centre of Excellence and Department of Engineering Science in  collaboration with WILO


Theme: Harbouring Hope, Conserving Water: Smart Peace Iniaves



In ancipaon of World Water Day, which falls on March 22nd, the student body, faculty, and  staff came together to organize a series of events aimed at raising awareness about water  sustainability and conservaon. The events were designed to engage parcipants creavely  while emphasizing the importance of water conservaon in our daily lives.



The objecve of the World Water Day event at Vishwakarma University was to raise awareness  about the crical importance of water conservaon and sustainability. Through a series of  engaging acvies and compeons, the event aimed to inspire parcipants to think  innovavely about water conservaon strategies and to foster a sense of responsibility  towards the preservaon of this vital resource. By bringing together students, faculty, and  staff, the event sought to culvate a community-driven approach to addressing water-related  challenges and promong smart peace iniaves centered around water conservaon.


About the Chief Guest: 

Rtn. Ravindra Ulangwar, a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering and MBA  in Marketing Management from Symbiosis Institute of Management, is a  Fulbright Scholar with 33 years of experience in water management.  Currently Vice President and Head of Water Management at Wilo Mather  and Platt Pumps, he previously served as Director at Saisanket.  Noteworthy achievements include leading projects such as the  SURASHTRA Branch Canal Pumping station, benefiting millions in Gujarat  through drinking water and irrigation. His focus on innovative concepts like precision irrigation through Piped Distribution Networks showcases his commitment to  advancing water management technologies. 



The event commenced with a session led by Mr. Ravi Ulangwar, during which he emphasized  the significance of water across all aspects of our lives and underscored the crical importance  of water conservaon. He delved into a discussion on diverse approaches to water  conservaon and drew parallels between these methods and the work undertaken by  engineers.



Following the enlightening session, numerous compeons were organized to facilitate  student parcipaon and engagement. The core aim of these events was to smulate acve  involvement among students and culvate a more profound appreciaon for the significance  of water conservaon. By parcipang in creave acvies, aendees were encouraged to  think carefully about how their acons affect water and to come up with creave soluons to  water-related problems. 


Compeon Details: 

The compeons were diverse, catering to various interests and talents of the parcipants.  They included:  

1. Ideathon: (30 parcipants) 

 - Parcipants were tasked with presenng their ideas on World Water Day using either a  cardboard model or a PowerPoint presentaon. 

 - Each team comprised four members, and the total duraon of the event was three hours.

2. Water Themed Refreshments without Fuel: (49 parcipants) 

 - Parcipants showcased their culinary skills by preparing dishes in the form of water  droplets or marine life without the use of fuel.  

 - Teams of four collaborated to create innovave and visually appealing refreshments within  a one-hour meframe.

3. Animated Video Compeon: (23 parcipants) 

 - Parcipants demonstrated their creavity by craing animated videos related to World  Water Day.  

 - Teams consisng of five members had three hours to conceptualize, create, and edit their  videos. 

4. Partum I Orbis: (26 parcipants) 

 - A compeon focused on providing sustainable soluons for water conservaon in urban  areas.  

 - Teams of five were challenged to devise innovave strategies within a two-hour meframe,  emphasizing the crucial role of water in environmental sustainability. 


The events received overwhelming parcipaon from students across various disciplines,  reflecng a strong commitment to environmental conservaon within the student  community. Through their parcipaon, students gained valuable insights into the  significance of water sustainability and its implicaons for a sustainable future.


Prize Distribution and Closing Ceremony:  

The Prize Distribution and Closing Ceremony at Vishwakarma University marked the  culmination of the successful World Water Day event. Winners, both 1st and 2nd place, were  announced and celebrated for their remarkable contributions to water conservation  awareness. Amidst an atmosphere of excitement, participants received recognition for their  efforts, fostering a sense of camaraderie and encouragement. As prizes were awarded,  attendees left with a renewed commitment to advocate for water sustainability in their  communities.




In conclusion, the World Water Day event at Vishwakarma University was a resounding  success, uning students, faculty, and staff in raising awareness about water sustainability.  From Mr. Ravi Ulangwar's enlightening session to engaging compeons, parcipants  demonstrated a deep commitment to addressing water challenges.  

We extend hearelt gratude to volunteers, faculty, and student organizers whose reless  efforts ensured the event's success. Special thanks to our esteemed chief guest and dignitaries  for enriching our discussions. Together, we reaffirm our commitment to advocang for a more  sustainable future for our water resources. 

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