The Students and Professors from Vishwakarma University- Centre of Communication for Development, Journalism and mass Communication, National Service Scheme, VU IQUBE made a visit to a place created in the remembrance of our martyrs who sacrifices their life for our freedom called ‘Krantismrutivan’ in the village called Balwadi in Sangli District. In today’s world full of competition and rush, Krantismrutivan has created an inspiring and motivating pathway for today’s generation. There were 24 students accompanied by 4 faculty, out of which 5 students and 1 Faculty was from NSS. We assembled at the Building No.7 of Vishwakarma University by 6.00 am in the morning and we started our journey by 6.30 am. By 8.30 am we took a halt for breakfast and again continued with our journey. By 11.30 am we reached our destination. ‘Mr. Sampatrao Pawar’ the sole and idea behind Krantismrutivan received and welcomed in his beautiful world. Then Mr. Sampatrao and his son briefed us about the beautiful place.