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Abhikalp 2024 A Celebration of Art and Design

Abhikalp 2024, Vishwakarma University's annual art, design, and media festival at Seasons Mall, Pune, attracted around 2,500 attendees, including industry leaders. The event featured over 170 students showcasing innovative works, facilitating industry-academia collaborations and promoting creativity and career prospects.

The Tech Workshops for BPharm Students aimed to equip participants with essential technological skills and knowledge relevant to the pharmaceutical industry. Organized by School of Pharmacy, these workshops provided a platform for students to enhance their understanding of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, and digital health solutions. Through interactive sessions and hands-on activities, participants gained valuable insights into the intersection of technology and pharmacy practice, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities of the future. Session was conduted on 21 st February 2024.The session on Literature Search and Reference Manager (Mendeley) Hands- On Training provided participants with practical skills and techniques for conducting effective literature searches and managing references using the Mendeley reference management software. Literature Search Strategies: Participants were introduced to various strategies for conducting comprehensive literature searches, including keyword selection, and database selection. Emphasis was placed on utilizing advanced search techniques to retrieve relevant scholarly articles and other sources. Database Exploration: The session included a guided exploration of popular academic databases, such as PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Participants learned how to navigate these databases efficiently, apply search filters, and access full-text articles. Mendeley Overview: An overview of Mendeley, a widely used reference management tool, was provided. Participants learned about its key features, including reference organization, PDF annotation, citation insertion, and bibliography generation. Reference Import and Organization: Hands-on exercises were conducted to demonstrate how to import references from various sources into Mendeley and organize them into folders and collections. Participants also learned how to manually enter references and manage duplicates. PDF Annotation and Note Taking: Participants explored Mendeley's PDF annotation tools and learned how to highlight text, add comments, and annotate articles directly within the software. Additionally, techniques for taking and organizing research notes were discussed.Citation and Bibliography Generation: The session concluded with a demonstration of how to insert citations and generate bibliographies using Mendeley's citation plugin for Microsoft Word. Participants learned how to format citations according to different citation styles and customize bibliography layouts. Session delivered by Prof. Sonali Manwatkar & Prof. (Dr.) S. Sunitha



The Tech Workshops for BPharm Students aimed to equip participants with essential technological skills and knowledge relevant to the pharmaceutical industry. Organized by School of Pharmacy, these workshops provided a platform for students to enhance their understanding of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, and digital health solutions. Through interactive sessions and hands-on activities, participants gained valuable insights into the intersection of technology and pharmacy practice, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities of the future. Session expertise delivered by Prof. Makarand Puri. The session "Unlock Creativity with ChatGPT!" focused on leveraging artificial intelligence, particularly ChatGPT, as a tool to enhance creativity and inspire innovation. Participants explored various techniques and strategies for using ChatGPT to generate ideas, solve problems, and ignite creativity across different domains. Introduction to ChatGPT: The session began with an introduction to ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI. Participants learned about the capabilities of ChatGPT in generating human-like text based on input prompts and engaging in interactive conversations. Creative Prompt Generation: Participants were guided through exercises on generating creative prompts using ChatGPT. By providing ChatGPT with specific prompts or questions related to their areas of interest, participants learned how to stimulate creative thinking and generate novel ideas. Brainstorming and Ideation: The session included interactive brainstorming activities facilitated by ChatGPT. Participants collaborated with ChatGPT to explore different perspectives, uncover new possibilities, and generate innovative solutions to challenges or problems.



Wednesday, 24 July 2024 10:59

Mother’s Day 2024

School of Pharmacy, in collaboration with Sahyadri Hospital, orchestrated a thoughtful and impactful celebration for Mother's Day 2024 on May 8th and 9th. Recognizing the invaluable contribution of mothers to families and society, the event aimed to promote women's health and well-being through a series of events- Day 01 -Onsite Breast Screening and consultation: Dr. Kalyani Pandit and Sister Seema spearheaded the onsite breast screening initiative. With a focus on early detection and prevention of breast cancer, this activity provided women with access to essential screening services. Dr. Pandit and Sister Seema's expertise and compassion ensured that participants received comprehensive guidance and support throughout the screening process, fostering a sense of empowerment and awareness regarding breast health. Day 02- Nutrition and Wellness Workshop: Dr. Arti Bhalerao led an engaging workshop on nutrition and wellness, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a balanced diet and lifestyle for optimal health. Attendees gained insights into making informed dietary choices to support overall well-being. Dr. Bhalerao's expertise in nutrition science combined with practical tips and interactive sessions created a conducive environment for learning and promoting healthy habits among participants. Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques:  Dr. Lisha George conducted a session on stress management and relaxation techniques, addressing the challenges faced by modern women in balancing various roles and responsibilities. Through mindfulness practices, breathing exercises, and stress-reduction strategies, participants learned effective ways to cope with daily stressors and cultivate inner peace and resilience. Dr. George's guidance provided valuable tools for enhancing mental and emotional well-being, empowering mothers to prioritize self-care amidst their busy lives. Around 70 number of faculty and students Benefited from the activity. Prof. Sonali Manwatkar, the designated coordinator for the event, also Prof. Priyanka karpe and Prof. Bhavan Mahajan were associated with activity. Participants expressed deep appreciation for the thoughtful and comprehensive approach taken in celebrating Mother's Day 2024. They praised the event for its positive impact on their health and well-being, underscoring the importance of honouring and supporting mothers within the community. The overwhelmingly positive feedback underscores the success of the event in fulfilling its objectives of raising awareness, promoting health, and celebrating the invaluable contributions of mothers to society.



Wednesday, 24 July 2024 10:52

International Women’s Day 2024

International Women's Day (IWD) is celebrated globally on the 8th of March each year to honor the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. In line with this spirit, the Sushrut & School of Pharmacy, VU organized a special event on the 7th of March 2024, Thursday, to commemorate International Women's Day. The focus of this year's celebration was on empowering women against anaemia, a prevalent health issue affecting women worldwide. Under the guidance of Prof. Sonali Manwatkar, the designated coordinator for the event, anaemia screening sessions were conducted from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Female students and faculty members were encouraged to participate in the screening process voluntarily. The event was jointly organized by Sushrut, the Student Welfare organization of VU, and the School of Pharmacy, VU. This collaborative effort aimed to ensure the success and effectiveness of the screening program. The event witnessed active participation from female members of the VU community. Participants underwent haemoglobin estimation tests, allowing them to assess their risk of anaemia and seek necessary medical advice if required. The screening program not only contributed to individual health awareness but also promoted a culture of proactive healthcare among women.



Wednesday, 24 July 2024 10:44

Mega Blood Donation Drive

The Mega Blood Donation Drive, a collaborative effort between the Student Welfare Committee, VU (Virtual University), Sushrut (Health & Wellness Forum), and SGI (Social & Government Initiatives), Pimpri- Chinchwad blood bank, convened on October 26, 2023. Held in the designated venue, the 2001 room in building no.02, the event aimed to address the urgent need for blood donations while fostering awareness regarding the significance of voluntary blood donation. This report undertakes a scientific exploration of the activities, outcomes, and rewards associated with this significant event. Execution of blood collection procedures adhering to standardized protocols and aseptic techniques. Methodical labelling and storage of donated blood units, preserving their integrity for subsequent transportation to the blood bank. Provision of refreshments to donors, coupled with vigilant post-donation monitoring by trained medical personnel to detect and address any potential adverse reactions. Activity was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Sonali Manwatkar. Participants of the Mega Blood Donation Drive were entitled to receive the following

Token of Appreciation: A choice between a helmet or a pen drive, symbolizing gratitude for their altruistic gesture.

Special Donor Card: Issuance of a special donor card granting complimentary blood access for up to four blood relatives and family members in perpetuity.

Certificate of Participation: Acknowledgment of participant' s valuable contribution through the provision of certificates.



Wednesday, 24 July 2024 10:27

Celebration of World Pharmacist Day 2023

We, School of Pharmacy, VU, celebrated World Pharmacist Day 2023, and organized an expert session on “Pharmacists Strengthening Health Systems”, to aware students about the role of pharmacists in the healthcare profession and to encourage them for efficient healthcare services. Dr. Mukul Pore (Co-founder & Director INTOX Pvt Ltd), the Guest of Honor, addressed the audience, sharing expertise and encouraging a proactive approach to health. Mr. Abhijeet Das (Secretory- Student welfare, VU) conducted a session on Sushrut, focusing on health and wellness practices for a balanced lifestyle. A symbolic moment where attendees took the Pharmacist Oath, reaffirming their commitment to ethical practices in the field. Prof. Sonali Manwatkar expressed gratitude to all participants, speakers, and organizers, acknowledging their contributions to the event. A tree plantation ceremony took place in the Herbal Garden, symbolizing the commitment to environmental sustainability. Poster Competition, Quiz Competition, Slogan Competition, Logo Competition conducted online and offline for pharmacy students across the India. Winners are announced for all the competition.
Dr. Sheetal Mahajani (M.D. (Med), D.N.B. (Med), D.M. (Gastro), D.N.B. (Gastro), Fellow, Liver Transplantation Medicine, Kings College London (UK) conducted an informative session on Organ donation and health awareness, covering key aspects of well-being and importance of donating organ. Attendees participated in a pledge for organ donation, and information about the importance of organ donation was shared. Health check-up was conducted for the teaching and non-teaching staff of VU, and preliminary parameters like blood haemoglobin, Blood pressure, Blood sugar, BMI and blood group were determined.



Wednesday, 24 July 2024 10:14

Training On First-Aid

Comprehensive first-aid training session was conducted by Dr. A.K. Surve, an esteemed MD with expertise in Emergency Medical Services from Ruby Hall Clinic, on September 20, 2023. The event was organized collaboratively by Sushrut (Health & Wellness) and the School of Pharmacy under the guidance of Prof. Sonali Manwatkar. The training aimed to equip participants with essential skills and knowledge in providing immediate medical assistance in emergency situations. The session covered fundamental concepts of first-aid, including assessment of emergency situations and the application of appropriate interventions. Practical demonstrations allowed participants to gain hands-on experience in administering basic first-aid techniques, such as CPR, wound care, and handling various medical emergencies. Dr. A.K. Surve provided insights into the importance of quick and effective response in emergencies, emphasizing the role of first-aid in stabilizing patients before professional medical assistance arrives. Approximately 35 students took advantage of this valuable learning opportunity. The diverse group of participants included students fromthe School of Pharmacy, all of whom were eager to enhance their understanding of first-aid principles and practices. Feedback from participants indicated a high level of satisfaction with the training session. Many expressed increased confidences in their ability to respond effectively in emergency situations. The impact of the training was evident as participants demonstrated improved skills and knowledge in first-aid practices.



Wednesday, 24 July 2024 10:05

National Nutrition Week 2023

The Nutrition Week Celebration, held from September 4th to 7th, 2023, at Vishwakarma University, was a commendable initiative aimed at promoting health and wellness among students. The primary activity during this celebration was the Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation, organized by the Student Welfare - Student Council Sushrut (Health & Wellness) team under the guidance of Prof. Sonali Manwatkar. The main objective of the BMI calculation activity was to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and to provide students with valuable insights into their body composition. Approximately 80 students actively participated in the BMI calculation activity. This substantial turnout indicated a keen interest among the student community in understanding and improving their health. The Nutrition Week Celebration successfully achieved its objectives, fostering a culture of health consciousness among the student community. Many participants expressed gratitude for the opportunity to gain insights into their health and appreciated the efforts of the organizing team. Feedback from the participants indicated a high level of satisfaction with the event. Many students found the BMI calculation activity eye-opening and expressed a willingness to incorporate healthier habits into their daily lives.



Wednesday, 24 July 2024 10:02

Sushrut (Health & Wellness Forum)

Sushrut Health & Wellness Forum by student welfare and School of Pharmacy, VU. The name & Sushrut" holds great significance. In ancient Indian tradition, Sushrut, an ancient physician and surgeon, played a pivotal role in laying the foundation of the medical science of Ayurveda. He emphasized the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit, an ideology that resonates deeply with our forum's core values.
Our aim with the Sushrut Health & Wellness Forum is to create a dynamic platform that fosters a holistic approach to health and wellness. We believe that true well-being encompasses not only physical health but also mental, emotional, and spiritual harmony. The forum will act as a catalyst for promoting and spreading awareness about the importance of these interconnected aspects of health. We envision a community where individuals can find resources, guidance, and support in their pursuit of a balanced and fulfilling life. Through seminars, workshops, expert talks, and interactive sessions, we will address a wide array of topics, from nutrition and exercise to mindfulness and stress management. We also plan to facilitate partnerships with healthcare professionals, nutritionists, fitness experts, and mental health specialists, aiming to provide our members with expert advice and insights tailored to their unique needs. Our forum is not just an organization; it is a family, a support system, and a source of motivation. Together, we can encourage each other to adopt healthier lifestyles, make informed choices, and ultimately lead a life brimming with vitality and purpose.
Sushrut team members who have poured their heart and soul into our activities under the mentorship of Prof. Sonali Manwatkar (Student welfare officer of health and wellness) & Dr. Priyanka Gokhale. The team members are: Mr. Abhijit Das as a secretary, Miss. Siddhi Chandage as co-secretary, Miss. Vaishnavi Chakkarwar & Miss. Harsha Sharma as ambassadors and other volunteers will be known as VishwaMitra.



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